
My Passion, My Life http://www.eslmonkeys.com/student/storyroom/story.php?id=34

I used to dwell on all the icky things back then but now I write God with my cheers and gless instead.

dwell:ゆっくり考える 詳しく書く

icky:不愉快な 感傷的な

I can remember the day of accident that left me in a wheel chair for today.

wheel:ホイール ハンドル

Next I write wisdom ,only wisdom I can share.


The excitement occurs when I pick up my pen and get the surprise of how far its all come.

excitement:興奮 興奮させるもの

For when their inklings first appear,

inkling:暗示 うすうす知っていること

When I crawl under the covers at night,

crawl:むずむずする ぞっとする

I nod off to sleep,gracefully and slow, lingering on the stories yet to be told.

nod:(nod off) 眠り込む

lingering:長引く ぐずぐずする

After my last eye lid shutter,my last thought is tomorrow's putter.



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Kirk Masden さんのコメント...

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