
Because of you


I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not
break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far

Because of you
I never
stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid


When I was high school student,I liked this song. I liked melody,and I did'nt know lylic.I thougt beautiful love ballard... but
I watched this song's PV yesterday,so I found this song is lonely song.Now,I understood this lylic.

I don't like to read english story or poem.Sometimes I find interesting story or poem.But I am interested in what means english song's lylics.But It hard to translate english lylics perfect for Japanese.So I wanna study story or poem too.


Where is the love?


people killin
people dyin
children hurt and
women cryin
will you practice what you preach
and would you turn the other cheek
father father father, help us
need some guidance from above
these people got me got me questionin
where is the love?
(love) where is the love?
(the love) where is the love?
(the love) where is the love?
(where is the love the love my love)

song by Black eyed peas

I knew this song when I was junior high school student.
"Where is the love?" This word is important in all of world now.
I think "Where is the love?"too. it's difficult to find the perfect answer.
But I think we can find several shapes of love in our life.

A Whole New World

Music by Alan Menken
Wards by Tim Rice

A whole new world
A new fantastic point of view
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only dreaming

A whole new world
A dazzling(目もくらむほどの、まぶしい) place I never knew
But now from way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new world with you

This song is Aladdin's song of disney.Why I choose this song,my sister used this song her wedding. She liked this song. So I impressed when this song was hearing.I hope she'll be happy as this song's lyric, with her husband and baby.
I want to experience Aladdin's world.


Wolstencroft The Bear


Then one frosty evening when the stars were sparkling in the night sky and snowflakes were dancing past the windows, a little boy and his daddy came into the store.

"Hey look at this," said the daddy when he noticed Wolstencroft's name tag. "This teddy bear has the same name as you! Only you're called Sten for short and he's called Woolly."

"What?" The boy called out in surprise. "I didn't think anyone else in the whole great big world was called Wolstencroft."

And just like Wolstencroft the bear, he was beginning to hate his name.

"Why don't you two get to know each other?" the daddy suggested as he lifted Wolstencroft down from the shelf

And the little boy wrapped his arms around his namesake, which means someone who has the same name as yourself, and stroked his soft fur. And they both loved each other from that moment on.

"I love him daddy, can I have him for Christmas?" he asked hopefully. And when his daddy said yes, danced around the store with Wolstencroft, almost colliding with other shoppers as he did so.

Wolstencroft really wasn't such a bad name after all they both decided as they whirled around the Christmas tree at the front of the store. In fact, it was starting to sound better all the time now that they had found each other in this wonderful way.

Wolstencroft the bear had never remembered feeling this happy before. Indeed, he felt so chock-full of joy that he thought he just might burst. He was going to a new home at last. And he knew that this little boy, who was called Sten, would be his very best friend forever.

Then Sten gave him a hug so big that his tummy was squished. But, of course, Wolstencroft didn't care. Because no hug is too big for a teddy bear.

whirl: ぐるぐる回る、めまいがする
chock-full: ~でぎっしり詰まった
squish ピシャピシャいう音

I think Wolstencroft was lucky boy.At the first time,He was very very sad,because of his name.But finally,he could met same name boy.So he was lucky boy!!
I was glad to sell
Wolstencroft too!!